When it comes to modern culture.  Tim Ferris is viewed as the modern day messiah for anyone that wants to escape the working 9 to 5 rat race.  Formally known as the lap top lifestyle.

I was given this book about 8 years.  He has since written more in the serious.  The way the book is written you can pretty much pick it up and read from any chapter.  Its not a sequentially written book that you need to follow to understand.

Reading 4 hour work week

What the message

The message is pretty simple as well.  His idea is to create a micro business for yourself to you don’t have to work 40 hour weeks for someone else.

My opinion is that the book gives a reasonable general  overview, and some handy tips, but lacks any real depth.

The lacking of depth is OK, If you reading the book, fair chance is you already have an idea forming in your head.

Tim’s certainly done a lot in his life, and will probably go one to do a lot more.

I got little annoyed with the writing style, but I think that’s more me then anything else.  I found it to be little disjointed.

Overall Its on the shelf, and will stay there, I do refer to it time to time.  Just for general knowledge, no real reason.

I haven’t read his other books yet, but I might buy them at some stage.

4 Hour Work Week – Recommendation

Its very much a starter book. For anyone that want to develop their own business away from the rat race.  When it comes to increasing your income.  I do not know of want way to short cut it.  You will have to work hard for it.

Is 4 hours possible. I don’t know.  As I sit here posting this article on a Sunday afternoon.